my nephew had one, it even had a cool design on it. The only problem now is he bangs his head alot, he was so used to having the protection on his head and head butting things. One positive thing about the helmet is it is exactly that a helmet, every toddler should come with one, it would prevent alot of late night wake ups to check if they are okay after a spill. He had it for 6 months, his head isn't perfect but if you didn't know to look you would never notice. Your insurance most likely will not cover the helmet or dr appts. Unless your dr says it is medicaly needed. other wise it is considered purley cosmetic. I also read somewhere you can get them over the counter for around $600 instead of the $1500-1800. You might want to check into that, I wish I rememberd where I saw that, I think in a magazine, maybe someone else read it too???
Good luck.