I hadn't had a baby in six years and couldn't remember a gosh darn thing. I read 4 books plus I used the internet endlessly.
So first sign was I tooted non stop. It was embarrassing! lol
Then the cramps started. I sat on pins and needles! I'd had a miscarriage the month before this pregnancy. It measured at 4 weeks when I was 6 weeks so I consider it a chemical pregnancy. But this one also had cramps. The blood was absent though with the miscarriage it was indeed not. But every time me and hubby had sex I did bleed.
But I cramped in both pregnancies. But it was true. There was no blood. No spotting nothing. I was told though that even if I did it was no big deal because it is very common to bleed during pregnancy. I was told even a decent flow you had a 50/50 shot.
So yes cramps are very normal. Try not to worry. I know that is futile but I'll say it anyways.