I have breast fed all of my children, there were time's where I would'nt get my period because I was breast feeding, and there were time's where I would "spot". The breakout's is a normal thing since you are brest feeding and I also know that your hormones are going to be off because you are producing milk and breast feeding. The hungry thing is also normal because your are breast feeding, I was always hungry and thirsty while I was breast feeding my children, so I would have to say that's a normal thing. Now the dizzy thing is something I would talk to your doctor about, maybe your not keeping hydrated? I also had that issue while I was breastfeeding, keep up with fluid's! I rember once I got soo dizzy that I fainted. As for the canker sores, that can be for many reasons, I know one maybe if you always anxious or nervous you can get them. But still I would call your doctor and let them know about the issue's your having. Hope everything goes well for you! But definately contact your doctor and keep us posted on what he/she tells you! Good luck!