Cool Little Cleaning Tricks and Tips to Make Life That Much Easier

Updated on January 29, 2012
S.F. asks from Ogdensburg, NY
8 answers

I asked a question similar to this probably about a year ago and got some cool responses and helpful tips. So I thought I would post it again to see if anyone else wanted to chime in and help to make all of our lives that much easier

Some of my little cleaning tips are:
Using bounce sheets that have already gone through the dryer to dust
Putting a pillow case over the fan blades of a ceiling fan to dust - just loop it over the blade and slowly pull it off with your hand on top
A squirt bottle filled with vinegar and water - to clean EVERYTHING (Then if its a nasty job I always take a lysol wipe after just to disinfect)

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answers from Denver on

I just saw on Pinterest (thanks for all the moms who have suggested this the pat few days - add me to the list of addicted!) if you take a broke pants hanger (like the ones from the stores) and use it as a chip clip. Not really a cleaning tip - but a reuse/recycle tip :)

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answers from Omaha on

I found a HANDY little trick on New Year's Eve. Someone spilled red wine on my very light carpet. There was no way it was coming out. Lo and behold...

Hand sanitizer and baking soda. I SWEAR it works! After we blotted and blotted, my husband got the carpet cleaner out the next day simply to get the soda residue off the carpet. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

I am putting this one in my back pocket for future use!

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answers from San Francisco on

To wash a dish with baked on food, soak the dish with dryer sheet in it - it will loosen everything up and makes washing breeze.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Well, personally I cannot stand the smell of using vinegar for a cleaner.

My tricks are cutting Mr Clean Magic Erasers in half. They clean anything, but you rarely need a full sized O..
Same for SOS pads.

Clean the bathroom counter tops everyday.
Ditto toilets. Just a quick squirt, swish & flush.
Nothing worse than a dirty sink or toilet!

Use swiffer floor cloths for dusting.

And, every so often, you just gotta do the old hands-and-knees to get a hard floor clean! Water & Murphy's Oil Soap.

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answers from New York on

If you have stainless steel appliances. Mix a little baby oil with the stainless steal cleaner. It will help keep the appliance shinier longer and prevent finger prints.

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answers from New York on

Teach the kids at young ages how to clean and you won't have to worry about it until they are out of the house.

I have an 18, 17 and 15 year old boys still in the home and they can do it all better than me most days. YEAH!!!!!

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answers from Medford on

A hint to stop clothes in the dryer from getting wrinkled.. You know we all hear that buzzer telling us the dryer is done, but put it off because we are busy, or resting and then later remember,,oh shoot now all the shirts and pants are wrinkled so we turn it back on and run for 15 minutes to get the wrinkles out, and sometimes forget it again,,and again. Well. when that buzzer goes off, just think of it as the door bell, and stop what youre doing and go answer it. I finally just got sick and tired of forgetting the clothes and started thinking of the buzzer as an important thing to handle right then. Its working so far, as long as Im home when it buzzes. (o:

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answers from Los Angeles on

If you spray oven cleaner on a hard stained or mold stained shower pan,
it will take it off.
You spray it on, leave it on for a few mins then wipe it off.

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