One thing I do like is Bob Jones' Science Curriculum. I use Scinece 4 for my 4th grader. My daughter takes an online chemistry class, she also does her brother's science 4 because it's fun.
I use Singapore math. Saxon is too easy. I did switch my daughter, 7th grade, to the Virginia public school's pre Algebra book. It;s more attuned to how I learned math, although Singaore is more advanced. My son will stay in Singapore.
I use Shurley Grammar. If you do the 4th grade you can skip the 5th and go into the 6th. I just moved my daughter into Rod and Staff 7th grade book, it seems to have a lot more meat than Shurley, but Shurley lays a very good foundation with jingles and rules they can remember. My son did 3rd last year and is doing 5th this year and we are doing two lessons a day, short lessons. It is easy and very repetitive. I like it. The children actually memorize the perpositions and helping verbs in the songs.
I assign a reading book, Bullfinch's Greek myths for the 7th grader and Mrs Frisbly, 4th grader this month. We then discuss these.
THey also have to read anything they want after school is out.
I use Evan More History Pockets, love these.
The Latin Road to English Grammar, I use this with both.
We have the game "Where in the World" it's a board game I got at the Field Museum. It is very good at teaching geography.
They take an art calss through the park district on MOnday afternoons and my daughter has piano lessons. We are looking for flute lessons and trumpet lessons.
We get up late, 8ish, eat and are downstairs by 9ish.
My son only needs a little instruction with math and then my daughter gets a lesson. They have about an hour to get that done. Then I get the Grammar books for one, the other reads, then we switch.
At 10:30 my son is climbing my husband's exercise aparatus so he gets a break.
He reads, and does spelling, words come from Mrs. Frisby right now.
At about 11:15 we do Latin.
Lunch from 12-1ish
After lunch we have science and history or Geograpy, Craft projects or we run around and get things done.
My running around time is not what it was as 7th grade is a lot of work.
They are in Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts then church on Wednesday nights.
I didn't think I could do it. My kids feel so much better about school. They love to learn and are excited. Even my 4th grader is taking Latin with gusto. It;s a 6th-7th grade curriculum.
I test every year in May with the California Star Tests. They seem pretty fair, in NC and VA we have to test every year. I keep these in a file.
This is the first year I am keeping written report cards for my 7th grader. She has decided to try the public high school in two years so I am getting her ready.
I am still looking for the perfect History and Geography curriculum.