As a newborn specialist (aka: babynurse), I work with newborns with reflux all the time, and I know it can get frustrating. You�re doing a lot of things right, but I did have just a few thoughts. You may already know this, but in case you don�t, it�s worth mentioning: the Gripe Water (or Mylicon) will help alleviate the pain of gas in your baby�s tummy, but it won�t help with reflux. Gas often accompanies reflux, so that is why it will sometimes work, but if your baby isn�t gassy, simethicone or anything like it will not work. Secondly, many believe (as I do) that the word �colic� is just a catch-all term to describe a baby who cries a lot. Officially, colic describes a baby who cries more than 3 hours straight, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks in a row. Third, it�s worth considering that your baby may not have reflux, but rather a milk protein intolerance. I realize that you have switched formulas, which is good, but I�m wondering what you have switched to. If your doctor determines that your baby likely has a milk protein intolerance (or a sensitivity or an allergy), I would try (in this order) Nestle Good Start (without DHA/ARA, aka: lipil), Similac Alimentum, Nutramigen, and finally (this is the end of the road) Neocate. It may be time for your son�s reflux med dose to be increased or even changed. I have seen a lot of babies start off on Zantac or Prevacid, do fine on it, and then need to be switched to Prilosec later on. Be sure to check with your insurance company as to what meds they cover because they may not cover them all. What have you thickened your baby�s formula with? If you�re thickening with rice cereal, that could be causing a problem; you might want to try oatmeal instead, or even use an �AR� formula (which stands for added rice.) Lastly, you may want to try elevating the crib even more (I really jack them up when I do it!), or even let your baby sleep in his car seat or a swing (no motion) for a few weeks. If you get really desperate and want some help, I can come and help you; it�s what I do. I travel nationwide, but I have lots of excellent references in the Dallas area. One final thought: if you�re not doing this already, I would recommend that you swaddle your baby very tightly about 30 minutes after a feeding, as this is time for him to go to sleep, and it will also help him feel more comfortable. Oh, and one more thing: get �The Happiest Baby on the Block� DVD and watch it until you really �get it.� Good luck!