I have Asthma and since childhood.
Yes, inhalers can cause these behaviors in some individuals.
I don't get this way, but a child might.
They are tinier.
Make sure, that the prescribed amount of inhales, is accurate.
Do not use too much or too little.
And a person and also overdose on inhalers too.
So you need to follow directions, accurately.
Now, also know that, there are MANY types & brands of inhaler medicines. Not only the Albuterol. So maybe ask the Doc about that.
Some are 'rescue' inhalers and others are 'maintenance' inhalers etc. For example.
I personally take "Xopenex." And Albuterol types.
But that is me. My Mom on the other hand, does not like Xopenex. It makes her moody. For example.
Now, Pulmicort or inhaled steroids... are used to dramatically decrease the acute symptoms because it is a steroid. Hence, it is used for acute stages. And these can perhaps, also affect moods/behavior. But, if there is acute constriction of the airways, it does need to be used.
Asthma means, the person cannot breathe nor sufficiently, because the airways are constricted. Narrowed. Inflamed, hence constricted. And thus, there is not enough oxygen, in a person's system or lungs or blood.
Sure he is 3 years old and this is not an easy age.
BUT if and since, the medicine is affecting him.... you cannot expect him to be able to... control ALL his impulses or moods. Because it is medicine induced.
TELL the school.
Or, keep him home if you can, until he is not sick.
Again, there are many other types of inhalers. Find the right fit. Ask the Doc.
Also, make SURE he has all his vaccinations.
And the Pertussis one etc.
Because, anyone with Asthma.... needs to be, vaccinated.
They can also get Pneumonia.
I have gotten the Pneumonia vaccine, and I ALWAYS get the Flu shot.
Anyone with compromised lung issues, needs to be vaccinated appropriately. Asthma, is serious.