Why would anyone do that? I haven't heard of anyone feeding that to an infant with food.
Formula and breast milk have 100% of an infant's daily needs. Food is only for teaching them to chew and swallow. Not to give them nutrient. Baby food has about zero nutrition.
It starts losing nutrients as soon as it's made, then as soon as it's processed in the vfactory, then while it sits in packaging waiting to be delivered to the store, while it sits on the shelf in the store, then when you bring it home it has nothing left in it.
It's flavored goo that fills the baby's tummy and they are starving for nutrients so they eat more, they look like they're a great eater and are gaining weight but it's empty calories since the food had no nutrition. They eat and eat and eat and get nothing out of it.
So give the bottle first then offer a bit of rice cereal mixed to a runny consistency to help them learn to swallow stuff. Later on you can add foods that you fix yourself. But formula and breast have 100% of what your baby needs that first year.