We do several things. Here is a timeline
Thanksgiving night we set up the Christmas tree
The Sunday after we decorate the tree while decorating we usually talk about the different ornaments each kids gets a new one each year so that they have their own box full when they move out.
We go to at least one but sometimes more Christmas plays or musicals. When money permits its a biggie (rocketts, Trans Siberian orchestra, a big name theater production etc) when money is not so fluid we do local church or school concerts. And have hot chocolate and cookies after.
The biggest most talked about tradition is one started years ago. We do gingerbread houses. It started out as just one my kids and I did. Now it's a gingerbread house competition lol. It's 1 house to every 2 people. Everyone has the same house kit. But decorations are whatever you want to use. My sister in law brings a craft box which she shares. My son picks Christmas berries off the bushes in the yard. My daughter brings a candy store with her lol. A blue ribbon is awarded each year. (It's a cheesy ribbon I print on the computer) the grandkids are in on it now also. You put youngest 1/2 of the group's names in a hat. And then let the oldest half each pick A name they are then partners. We always let the oldest person pick first. at the end of the night there are usually 6 to 8 houses. Everyone is handed a ticket to vote. Votes are counted and ribbon pinned. The real prize is listening/watching the video later. My husband always sets the camera up in the corner. People forget it's running. My favorite line from about 10 years ago. My side wall caved in and my son 8yrs old at the time was my partner that year. He never missed a beat and said "it's ok mom ours can be the garage I'll get 2 of my cars" so we made a ginger bread garage.
Traditions start whenever you find something you love and do it more than once. It is never to late to start a new tradition. So don't be afraid to pick up something you think looks fun and give it a whirl. It might be that you start the tradition of making ornaments or make cookies. Whatever your family likes. go for it.