A friend of mine's son would invent toys (which don't exist in real life) in his head and want Santa to bring them. His logic was Santa could build them in his workshop.
emmy LOVES coming up with the impossible for her list
this year she wants fanboy and chum chum comic books. I've looked this up and can't find them YET their show is about kids who love comic books...major fail disney!
year one and two emmy is afraid of santat----wooohoooo
Year 3- Santa can I have a real drum set with a foot pedal and an acousitc guitar that works and a trumpet?
santa: yes
M.: screw you santa...thank god for used instruments=)
year four- Santa can I have a baby sister
sorry santa did not come through...heres a doll
year five--lets try that again
yup heres another doll
now year 6- fan boy and chum chum comic books that they dont make and and still the baby brother...it finally turned to a brother she said she has a feeling boys whine less then girls
so my questions are
what are your kids impossible gifts to request
do you know if they make this comic book?
S.B. you ROCK! she LOVES making her own comic books. never thought of something like that!
thanks for the book finds guys=)
that combo will be awesome!
A friend of mine's son would invent toys (which don't exist in real life) in his head and want Santa to bring them. His logic was Santa could build them in his workshop.
Nah, my kids like to be impossible about Halloween costumes, Christmas they look up what they want. They want too much mind you but it is at least stuff that exists.
Last year my daughter J. wanted to fly. Not in a plane, but like a bird.
My kids ask for really really expensive stuff from Santa to ... "save us money". LOL
we've had some doozies. and Santa has always come through - that may be why I think my 11 year old still believes!
at 3, 4 days before christmas, complete meltdown. "I forgot to ask Santa for a Gaston doll." BTW - disney never made a Gaston doll because who wants the villain? Santa came through via a WWF doll and some creative sewing from Grandma.
at 4, I want princess shoes - but only Belle (there's a theme here). uhm, not available - only pink and blue are available. a glue gun, some fake flowers, and some patent leather shoes for Santa's elves that year.
at 4, my son wants a "fire station doll house" - Ebay came through - the only one ever created I think.
at 2, my son wanted a "real chef's hat" - this preceded the craze for child size cooking gear by 2 years. did I mention Grandma is a great seamstress?
at 3, my son wanted J. a jump rope - ever try to find one in December?
oh, and for the drums - Grandparents bought the first set at 3, the second set at 5 (because the first set was worn out and broke), and we J. bought a full-size, 12-piece drum set and are paying for lessons. at least if he's ever in a band, practice will be at our house and I'll know his friends and where he's at! :)
we've definitely had some challenges but it's all been fun in the end.
Pssst! I think Fanboy and Chum Chum are Nickelodeon's characters... ;-)
ETA: I'm kind of surprised by how many people will make major modifications to things J. to appease their child. Not everything has to be "J. so." IMHO.
They aren't comic books, but there appears to be a whole fan boy and chum chum series of books. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3... Santa may have to compromise. Maybe he can bring the books and this make your own comic kit and she can make her own. http://www.amazon.com/Action-Products-62100-Make-Your-Own...
Octonauts toys. Apparently they won't make it to the US until Summer 2013, but I can spend excessive amounts of money shipping them from the UK or even more money buying them from the few people that have them in the US who are way overcharging.
Oh, she also wants her own iPad so she doesn't have to share with Daddy anymore. She's 3 1/2.
I looked on amazon for the comic book, and came up with a chapter book, but no comic book. Sorry. Here is the link for the chapter book if you want that. :)
I can't really think of anything and I am sure there has been some. The only one that comes to mind is last year I had the kids do their Santa lists (the younger 4). Only one had a surprise...she wanted Santa to bring her a room of her own, and I quote "I mean it!!!!!!" We laughed so hard. Then I explained that Santa wasn't in the construction business lol
I tell my kids that even Santa, has to make sure with the parents that any gift request is okay.
That then leads to the question of "YOU can send messages to Santa and he sends messages to you?"
So then I say that parents and Santa have a way of "knowing" what the parents thoughts are. And that he J. knows. But Santa has a budget too... there are SO many kids in the world etc.
Oh, my. LOL
mine didn't ask for impossible things. the one thing i did not like was their obsession with fijit. i told them neither i nor santa will be getting those, but i told them if they get 5s in all tests they will be able to buy them themselves. last saturday they each got one because they have gotten all 5s. otherwise they have asked things like clothes, fur real pony (which i got for 40 instead of 119).
My daughter tends to do that with Halloween costumes and birthday party themes. I have become very creative!
Once my son wanted a blue tractor. We couldn't find any so we painted one.
Sometimes I find things that neither of them knew they wanted. Last year my son sends M. a text message with a picture of hat he saw and wanted. It was the day before Christmas Eve and I had been done with shopping. The only way I was going to the store was if it was a food I needed or medicine if someone was sick and he knew it. Imagine his surprise when he opened it on Christmas morning (I had it for a month before he saw it in the store). He is grown so he knew it was M. and not Santa but it was still magical to see his surprise.
My nephew has autism and is 9 years old tomorrow. He told my sister that he wants the alphabet to be outside and for the letter Z to wake him up. He also wants a gold refridgerator and Blue from Blue's clues to come over to play. Lol. Good luck Haley!
I told her that we can paint the alphabet on cardboard and set them on the deck and that we can find gold wrapping paper or seran wrap for the fridge. She's on her own with the Blue thing!
I have it easy. All Aubrey wants is a teddy bear this year! We got her an astronaut bear.
Reading all these responses, I don't know if I'm lucky or not. My 4 year old is in the "I want" phase, but my daughters (9 and 13) don't really want ANYthing... how crazy is that?! My 13 yr. old did mention one electronic thingy (can't remember which one - that's Dad's dept.). It is expensive, so she says that's the only thing we need to get her. :) My 9 yr. old is J. all ho hum about it all, J. the way she was for her birthday! So, this brings about a problem: What do you get a kid who is not actually wanting anything?! And, furthermore, what do you tell those who want to get them something? Hmmph :-/
Mine isn't nearly as "impossible" as yours. But definitely not something he's getting. Without any kind of warning, my oldest asked Santa for spy cameras (i.e. surveillance cameras) because he likes to pretend to be a spy and they have all the video feeds.
On the plus side, Santa didn't ask them what else they wanted this year. In our house, Santa only brings one item, and you only ask for one item from Santa. Last year's santa kept saying "and what else? And anything else" etc.
My 10 year old, who is very difficult to shop for, surprised us this weekend by making a Christmas list, all on her own. It's very cute, BUT her number one and number two items aren't going to happen. Her number one, a cell phone. ARRGH! We're making her hold out until middle school like her sister, but she's not really that far off by saying most of her class already has them. Number two, she wants cable. We only have basic service. She wants Disney channel, Animal Planet, etc. I think that would bump our bill up by 60.00/month, and DH says no way. Plus she doesn't really need more screen time activities.
4 year old wants a drum set, I am ok with that as she already pulls out all my pots and pans daily to set up and bang away at her drums, so at least I will have my cookware back! I actually don't mind the noise when it is J. her at home. But then she also wants a Lightning McQueen race car bed and talks about it incessantly. Not only are they expensive, but she already shares a bunk bed with her sis and there is no room for another bed. I keep suggesting alternatives ("Why don't we paint you a box to look like a race car?" " Would it be fun to have a Lightning McQueen blanket and pillow for your bed so it looks like a race car?" No go...the good thing is she tends to change interests fairly quickly.
Hi J. M.
I did a bit of online searching and there are none of these comic books to be had (or they likely would've listed them on their site). Perhaps if your daughter is interested in comics,you could find a simple book on how to draw them. Even Ed Emberly's books are easy to follow,and you can find some good articles for making comics on the web.
My son wants an expensive wooden pulley for Christmas. While I cringe a bit at spending $70 (when real pulley hardware can be purchased for about $10) on this, our bigger problem is that we have *no place to mount it*.
With my boys I always try to influence what they ask Santa for. And sometimes months in advance!!! That way its easier to get what they ask for. Luckily they have always fallen for it. Of corse this year we are trying to feel out if youngest still believes. As this year is going to be hard to get much of anything. Thankfully the school may help with his then we can focus on his brother.
Fan boy and chum chum are nick toons not disney:) my son LOVES them too:) unfortunatly I have never seen real comics :( sad I know considering its about comic loving kids! My son has been asking for a new baby to play with his sister...sorry kiddo Mommy's factory is closed for business! LoL good luck in searching for the comics! J. a last thought have you considered going to a comic store and maybe asking them if they know?