Christmas Lights and Activities

Updated on November 16, 2013
T.B. asks from Springfield, VA
3 answers

Hello Mammas,

We are new to the DC area and I was wondering where the best places are to do Christmas activities and see Christmas lights.

Thanks! Have a good weekend.

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answers from Washington DC on

IMO the best place to see Santa is next to the National tree. The National tree has a train running around it along with a tree representing all states and I think territories. Just a short walk from all of that is Santa's Workshop where you can see Santa for free and take your own pics. The Santa has always been real nice and looks great. Background being in the workshop is nice for the kids too. I've always gone on Friday nights about 6 and never really stood in line long.
I second the trains at the Botanic Gardens. Great smell with it too. On Thursdays they have people singing holiday music.
Something I learned last year is the laying of wreaths at cemeteries. The most popular one around here is of course Arlington, but all of the cemeteries do it to thank the veterans. Something to consider when thinking about the holidays.

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answers from Washington DC on

Meadowlark botanical gardens in Vienna does a light show that you walk through. I didn't go last year but I heard from friends that it was a lot of fun.

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answers from Washington DC on

Definately check out!!! Has lists of all seasonal activities and reviews by parents. Theres an overabundance of things to do but you have to check out we have been doing this on & off for years! Hubby loves to plan the route of which homes to see & kids get in jammies & we bring hot cocoa in thermos'. It's a list of residential & a few commercial businesses that decorate for Christmas! A few homes have cute lightshows that have music too. Bull Run Festival of Lights is another to check out in Centreville, you drive through about 10mph & check out various light displays.
We also love the miniture train display & model monuments made out of flora & fauna at the US Botanic Gardens:
Meadowlark is also fun!
Maybe the National Tree & the little trees frim every state after it's been lit...
Have fun!
OHH I agree, duh just remembered the wreath laying from Wreaths Across America! It is being done December 14th 8am-noon at Arlington Cemetery, US National Soldiers and Airmen Cemetery and I'm sure others. check out their website.

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