Before I had my son, I was a Chiropractic Assistant. I would like to clear up a few falsities I see written below. (No disrespect to the posters!)
-"Chiropractors are educated and taught to believe that most ailments can be "cured" through chiropractic". - Oh good lord, what kind of chiro's did she see? Did they really EVER say that? I have not ever met a chiro that thinks that, and I find it laughable. They can help many things, and a good one will NEVER hesitate to refer you to another doctor, should they feel your problem is not going to be fixed by them. They go through intense medical schooling like every other medical profession. Nowhere in their education, are they taught they are the magical every ailment cure.
(n addition to that, I will add...
-If people go to a chiro for a prolonged period of time, and have no relief...they saw a bad Dr. or the Dr. should have either given them relief, OR sent them elsewhere to the proper type of physician. Any Dr. (no matter the field) that ignores a symptom or pain that doesn't go away, is not one that should be a Dr. They just want the money, or they stopped caring a long time ago.)
-"They are manipulating your spine. This will naturally cause instant relief from some pain. But it's not lasting" - They CAN and do this for many people, by not all people get or need their spine manipulated. And, not all people want to be "popped" so they do NOT have to do that. Chiropractors aren't just spine manipulators, that offer many different treatments. In prolonged pain, rarely is there any instant relief. In fact, it usually hurts MORE in the beginning, because your body has been this way so long.
- "Manipulating your spine over and over is not scientifically proven to cure any problems." (I'm sorry, I'm not trying to call her out. Honestly.) This is 100% false. There are many studies, all you have to do is look! Also, a good chiropractor doesn't just manipulate the spine to help you. They only do, if they feel like that's what it needed. If a spine is manipulated over and over when not needed, of course that will help no one.
Now that I have addressed that, I will say...not all musculoskeletal conditions, can be fixed or improved by chiropractic care. They aren't miracle workers. Just like any ailment, the right doctor has to be seen for the right condition. You might be too far along in this. What I would recommend for you, is to get a referral to a physical therapist first. If you have been dealing with this your whole life, it would take a chiropractor a long time to fix this. Your muscles, ligaments, all of that develop a memory. You would be in the chiro for months and months, every week to keep from your body using it's memory. See a physical therapist, and once you are far along into treatment, then you can see a chiro for maintenance and to keep the problem in check. I do think a chiro can help improve you in conjunction with more intensive work. I am FOR chiropractic care, when the patient needs it, or when their ailment can be helped by it. It's not a cure all, but it can help many people for many things.
Across the medical horizon, there are good and not so good doctors. There are bad and good chiros. If you go to one and feel like they aren't helping, there might be one better for you, or they might not be the right kind of doctor for your pain and discomfort.
**Please don't take my words as fact. (Not that you would.) I am just giving an opinion, based on experience and professional training. I would just keep searching for the right doc, until they give you the answers you need.