My dad's been adjusted since he was 2 to help him overcome his polio infection. I was adjusted at 2 days old and regularly since that day....meaning when I need it.
Sometimes it's 3 months between visits and during the last part of my pregnancies, I was going weekly. I ended up with 3 natural/vaginal drugless births that were sped up with chirorpactic adjustments in labor....and it made it more comfy for me, even with a 10+ pounder! Literally, my contractions were 7 minutes apart for hours and then I got ONE adjustment on my sacrum and my contractions jumped to 3 minutes apart and the babies were born within an hour of being adjusted.
(My girlfriend just got adjusted in labor. She had been in labor 16 hours and was 8cm and then reverse dilated to 5cm. Her midwife told her to call her chiropractor, so she came over and adjusted her and the baby was born 1 hour and 10 minutes after the adjustment. She suddenly felt the urge to push in the contraction after the adjustment.)
Baby #1 needed and got adjusted at 4 hours old.
Baby #2 got his first adjustment at 1 month old.
Baby #3 fot her first adjustment at 2 weeks old.
My kids are all different. My 7 year old gets adjusted probably once every 2-4 weeks, but he does 3 days of taekwondo each week, swimming, soccer, springboard diving, golf, etc - so he tells me when something is not right. When he was 5, he got his first and only ear infection. I got him adjusted immediately, and within the day the redness inside the ear and fluid was gone. No antibiotics, just PB8 and therapeutic doses of A&D, an adjustment and lots of water.
My 3 year old can fall down a flight of stairs and need nothing or 1 vertebra popped back in. He also hates his neck adjusted and oddly enough, rarely if ever needs his neck adjusted. It's usually just his low back. In fact, my 3 year old only wets the bed when a lumbar is out of place. I get it popped back in and we can go months - and I know it's out again when he wets the bed.
My 18 month old will climb on the chiro table if I am there and she needs something, otherwise, she just stays playing with the toys. She knows already! (She's the one that gets grumpy when she needs an adjustment or stops sleeping through the night. That's how I can tell.) She'll even say "neck" and I know she needs to be adjusted.
True, some chiropractors overadjust, but finding the right one who knows more than just popping makes a huge difference....just like finding the right MD. Our kids are never sick....and I've been adjusted since I was 2 days old. I'm the healthiest person I know. I've also never been vaccinated and never in my entire life had any drugs, including antibiotics. My dad's been adjusted since he was 2 years old and he's currently 63. He doesn't have back pain like most men his age and his joints are no bigger than anyone else's his age....and oddly enough, absolutely no arthritis. Inflammation (itis) in the joints (arthrite) occurs when proper motion does not occur.
Chiropractic care has helped his joints move properly, so there is no degradation of the joint spaces. He doesn't get adjusted 3x/week forever like some of those chiros want. His chiro adjusts him probably once a month....if he ends up needing it.
My mom didn't want to go to a chiropractor and was really resistant. My dad practically dragged her in after her 8th (EIGHTH) miscarriage. Her MD was going to give her a hysterectomy, since they couldn't figure out why she kept miscarrying. Multiple MDs told her that she'd never have any children. She started getting adjusted regularly and became pregnant with me, and then gave birth to my brother 22 months later.
Sorry for the long post. When you find the right chiro, it'll change your life!