I am a Special Education Assistant Substitute for the Mt Diablo School District. I go to the schools that have vacancy's, and help those students that need help. I haven't been to Sunrise yet, but from what I've seen the students that need help get just that. He won't be singled out in the classroom, at the beginning of the year he might need more help individually, but if you get a good SEA (special ed assistant) by the end of the year he shouldn't need them as much. Make sure you speak with the teacher and the SEA and voice your concerns and keep good communication with them. Since I go to different schools, I have worked with all sorts of students, sometimes I am just in a classroom and there are a few students who might need a little more attention that I am just available for and then there are the ones who are in a wheel chair that I just help that student through out the day. I will ask around and find out about Sunrise and see what I can find out.