Honestly, wh ydo you need to see her while driving? You should be concentrating on the road. you can still talk to her and sing to her, let her babble and yes, throw a fit if she thinks she's dying. Its likely she's not, she's not choking if you didn't give her food, she's not in pain, she's just pissed because she's strapped in. ITs a phase that most kids hit around 10-16months, they are mobile and by golly they want to be out moving around.
Tell her to suck it up buttercup and keep her rear facing. Broken necks aren't something to joke around with.
My daughter is now 4 and easily rear facing, she came home from Ukraine at 3.5 and never having been in a car, let alone a car seat, and went straight to rear facing. She is 37" tall and 28lbs and she has cerebral palsy (mild, affects her legs) and she wears AFO's, and is easily able to rear facing. Sure, she throws a good tissy once in a while but I know she's fine, just doesn't want to be strapped in.
She will be ok, the new recommendations are awesome and they should be followed. If you quesion it, look at how many kids die in auto accidents in the USA in one day compared to countries that rear facign kids to age 4 and also know how to proeprly use car seats 100% of the time. THey have less kids die in 5 yrs than the USA has in one day. THAt speaks volumes.