I clean the kitchen daily. I clean the bathrooms weekly. Kids clean their own rooms, put dinner dishes in sick, hang coats & put shoes away, keep their arts & craft center clean. What they leave out i pick up & put in a bin & when full donate. They go with me to donate. Sad, but they got it & help without me yelling. My hubby will do dishes, vacuum, cook, etc... on his own & I'm so glad, but if he didn't i would address it this way. I would let him know that i need him to do such & such at least weekly & ask if this is doable? If he says yes, then sit back & see if it gets done, great. If not, then hire a maid to do so. If he flips on the maid, say, I need it done & I'm not able to fit it on my plate. You said you could but when I saw you couldn't I handled it. If you do not like how I handled it, I will cancel the maid, but I still need such & such taken care of & I am not picky how it gets done, so do you wish to handle it or do I keep the maid? He should get the picture & he is involved in the decision & can control. Of course, the money for the maid should come from his fun money since he's not holding up his end. this is what I do about my hubby's to do list at home. I let him know what needs done & a time frame. I don't nag or remind, just when time frame is up & it isn't done, I hire it out. Most times now he will just say hire it out & not give me grief over the money. Best of luck oh, & if you decide to handle it on your own, then submit a bill as a maid would & use the money for your fun money. either way you don't feel so put upon & you are standing up for yourself as an equal partner in the marriage. Best of luck. It isn't that he can't do it, but rather not sure what he should do, most are just blind. Most of us weren't taught how to manage in marriage. There should be relationship classes from kinder on. I swear it would be great. :)