no. you dont have to have a c-section again. You can have a vbac depending on your doctor and the area you deliver in. Most doctors will tell you its not safe, but every study ever done says to the contrary. that vbac is much safer than another ceserean. Do your homework, read books on vbacs, Hire a doula who has attended vbacs previously, preferably hire a midwife who believes in the human body, and what it can accomplish. Many doctors dont want to attend vbacsbecause it is inconvienent to THEM. there are many books, research and places to find good information. you can check out my website which is www.palmbeachdoula.com and go to be informed, then scroll to the bottom, and click on vbac. I also am in the process of changing my website to www.honoringwomen.com . and hopefully next year I will have classes on vbacs, and support groups as well. you may check back then and see the information in there . I will have a lending Library as well with info on vbacs. I wish you well. YOu can achieve anything in birth that you desire with the information :)