Hi K.,
I will probably be repetitive considering the other responses you have gotten, but I have found that if you hear the same things over and over again from different moms it probably works. I am a mother of two boys. My older son just naturally weaned at about 6 months. You have been breastfeeding for 10 months and that is great. Congratulate yourself for going so long and know that you are a great mom! 3 different pediatricians have told me that 90% of the benefits of breastfeeding are gotten in the first 4 months of baby's life.
I now have a 4 month old that I am breastfeeding. Breastmilk will always be at its lowest in the late evening/night. I take 5 Fenugreek capsules (bought at the Vitamin Shop) 3 times a day with 12 ounces of water. Drink at least 12-20 ounces of water, milk, juice, or any other decaffinated beverage every hour. The Mother's Milk tea is gross and the main active ingrediant is Fenugreek anyway.
Your body will only produce the milk your baby needs. If you want to produce more, you have to nurse more or pump, bottom line. How do you know your baby is getting enough? When you take your baby to her/his 9 month and 12 month check-up your doctor will tell you if weight gain is good. Also, are there 5-6 wet diapers a day?
Go to a La Leche League meeting. Look on their website for the group in your area. I have one in Denton and they are eveywhere. Usually there is a meeting once a month either during the day, one evening, or both.
I, too, suffer from a lot of guilt with the whole breastfeeding thing. I teach two nights a week and I pump before I leave but my husband has to mix it with formula to make a bottle. It is hard. But again, you have done great to keep it going so long. I have to go pump now....good luck.