I'm not going to be much help in the weaning department but, I want to assure you that you will eventually be able to leave your son with a family member to babysit. I breastfed (regret weaning at 13 months cold turkey due to pregnancy complications) and co-sleep (still co-sleep). At 14 months he spent the night with his grandma with no problems and has done it again since. Some babies use bottles, a blanket, a pacifier, etc. for comfort your baby has you and your breastfeeding relationship that comforts him. My son would never sleep in the crib or bassinet from day 1. I tried everything like putting the crib right next to my bed, even taking the side off and putting it next to the bed so there was no railing between us nothing worked i even tried given him a bottle. When he was 10 months we gave up and decided to just sell the crib! He is now 15 months we have his mattress on the floor right next to my side of the bed and starting just the last few days he will lay down on "his bed" and go to sleep when he is ready. My best advice (i know it's not what you want) is to enjoy it while it lasts, in a couple months he will be running and you will be wishing he would stop for 5 minutes so you can cuddle and hold him :o)
I wish you luck!