I had the same problem with my first. the only thing is i had to go back to school and couldn't really postpone it. my mom was mostly watching her while i was gone and husband would when he could. funny thing is, i can't really remember my mom complaining about the baby's attitude.
i would pump while i was away from her (as frequently as she would nurse or if i felt engorgement was coming on), bring the milk home only to find out that she didn't finish all that I had pumped the day before.
at first she would nurse right before i left, then for the 8 hours i was gone, eat about 1 4oz bottle, nurse when i got home. I was bringing home 12-16oz!!! she seemed to make up during the night. we co-slept because i needed to sleep since i was in school and had to be able to focus during the day. i remember only waking to latch her on and then waking at the next feeding. i hear ya about the feet in the back with co-sleeping. i'm pregnant with #4 and am trying to get #3out still. the other morning i woke up on the edge of my bed to find that ALL 3 had trickled in by morning. but do keep in mind, it only lasts for so long. i keep telling myself i'll miss this one day. :)
anyways, this was my pickiest child. but we never tried different bottles. just kept on trying the same one and eventually she was eating what i was bringing home. :)
sometimes i wonder about the bottles parents try. you hear them say we tried everything and it was the last kind that he finally took. did he really like that one? or did he just give up.
doctors say that a healthy child will never starve himself. so i think the toughest part is for the caregiver to be able to be soothing, comforting and reassuring to a baby who is frustrated, hungry and tired and just wants mommy's breast.
hang in there!!! I've managed to breastfeed 3 children and go back to school/work and still get them all breastmilk for a combined total of 29 months.