My friend did and had no problems. But I've heard of women having trouble if they went really big......... She went from an A to a low C cup.
After I had my son, who is now 3 1/2 years old, i breast fed for a few months. Due to the way they were left, i got implants. Now, i am currently 7 months prego with a girl. at first i was set on not breast feeding. but now, im questioning if i should or not. has anyone one out there breast fed with implants?? if so, what was the result of it after?
My friend did and had no problems. But I've heard of women having trouble if they went really big......... She went from an A to a low C cup.
I had implants 4 years ago but put them under the pectoral & oblique muscles because I thought the look was better and I hadn't had children yet and new I wanted to (the support is better and it the procedure did not disrupt my breast tissue). I just had a baby girl 3 1/2 months ago and have not had any issues with breast feeding... so far my breasts are still sitting perky. In my opinion I think the implants will help them not sag because unlike normal breast tissue... the implants are supported by muscle above and below the implant so they're really not going anywhere.
I breast fed 2 kids after getting implants and I am now finding myself needing to get a lift or new implants to fill the gap from the milk I produced. I was a 34/36D and went to a 36/38 E!!! So while I didn't have ANY issues with breastfeeding, I am finding myself seeking more plactic surgery to correct what these kiddies did to the boobies. I do think, however, that my breasts look the way they do after breastfeeding more from my genetic makeup and not necessarily from plastic surgery. I just used the boob job to fix the previous and current problem.
Good luck!
I breastfed my kids for 16 and 20 months respectively and I've had implants for a number of years. The only time it can cause problems is if the incision was done around the nipple.
Any time that you are able to breastfeed is valuable to baby, especially those first few months when baby has no immune system and breastmilk provides invaluable protection.
Best to you and baby!
I have implants (cut around the nipple) & even have anothe nipple scar where lumps were removed... I exclusively breastfed for 18 months (well, he ate food but never a bottle :) You may/may not be able to BF- the same as with women that never had surgery... and just because you did w/ your 1st doesn't necessarily mean you can w/ the 2nd. It is absolutely awesome for your child & I will do it again if I can!!
If you mean how do they look? They sag a little- but my implants are 15 yrs old anyway, so they sagged a little before :) Sagging a little more for the benefit of my son FOR ME was a no-brainer.
People will have opinions & some may even judge you no matter what you choose... regardless- it is your child & your body. Do what you feel is right for you & your new child! :)
My daughter had breast implants about 5 years ago and is currently exclusively breastfeeding her 7 month old son. I was concerned that the implants would somehow interfere with her plans to breast feed but she has had no problems whatsoever!! So go right ahead and nurse that baby...
I am not sure what the after results are going to be, because she is still nursing, if there is a little "shifting" I am sure she can get it taken care of!
hi P., i have several friends that have & are right now breast feeding w/implants. they have not had any problems at all. the baby does have to suck a little harder, but if they are stickly breast fed, they don't know the difference...so they do it just like any other baby. your milk should come in just like normal. so good luck & god bless...J. j
P. - first a little history on me. I had the same problem after I had my daughter and decided to get implants. 13 years later I got preg. with my son and decided to breastfeed. I had no problems whatsoever. In fact I BF him until he started biting my nipples with his teeth (around 10 months). I even pumped at work 2x a day to keep up a good supply for my babysitter. To be honest, I did better at BFing him then I did with my daughter. No problems, no complications & no side effects. Don't worry about it - you'll do fine.
I have a friend with implants. She is currently breastfeeding. I'm sorry I don't have any more info to provide but she's breastfeeding just fine.
Depending on if they hollowed out the breast for the implants, or if they were done farther back or even behind the chest wall muscle. If they did not hollow out the breast tissue for the implant, you should be able to breastfeeding with little to no difficulty - - but don't forget every baby and breastfeeding experience is different. Don't be afraid to look for an IBCLC BEFORE giving birth to talk about your possible issues and ask questions.
Breatsfeeding is always the best choice for the baby..
I had implants after my second son was born. I had my daughter 4 years later and breast fed her with absolutely NO problems. My friend has had 3 since her implants and have pumped with all 3 the last 2 were twins. Her babies would not latch on but that had nothing to do w/ the implants and she had no problems pumping.
I would say try it, it is good for you and your baby. Good luck and God bless your family.