Hi Sarah-
My name is B. Jarmoluk.
I'm a wellness coach.
NO- haven't done body for life- but I have used and have several clients who've used Herbalife.
I'm now a distrib. too.
Check out the site at http://www.mydietshop.org
For nursing- you'd use the nutrit. shake once a day, cell activ. , vitamin and supplement with herbalifeline. You baby has depleted your stores of omega 3 fatty acids and it will take 3 years to rebuild without supplementation- heard of mom brain, tiredness, postpartum depression- our docs have shown it's a lot due to this and those who take throughout preg. don't have any of it.
I'm heading out of town til Mar. 8 but will be on email.
So if you want to chat or want more information, I'd be happy to meet with you when I get home.
B. Jarmoluk- mom of twin 6 1/2 yo girls who by the way have only been to a doc. once for illness!