Being the HORRIBLE mother I am, as soon as the kids refused to be swaddled, I'd throw a blanket on them. I know, it poses a suffocation risk, but if they're in warm jammies, I'd still throw a light blanket on them. They were all fine. As soon as the can wiggle around, they will automatically MOVE if their face is being smothered. Not breathing isn't comfortable ;) They'll change their position if they can't breathe!!
ETA: @Dana, blankets have nothing to do with SIDS. Placing baby on their belly to sleep is linked to SIDS, there has been a common genetic link found in SIDS babies, immunizations are not linked to SIDS, over clothing/swadling has been linked to CONTRIBUTE to SIDS (because infants can not regulate their body temp like we can)... but not blankets. Blankets pose a suffocation threat to infants who are too young with not enough muscle control to move if they can't breathe. A 7 month old, like M.'s baby, can sleep with blankets safely and comfortably.