Try a tried and true low dose Birthcontrol pill. STAY AWAY from ANYTHING not 10 years used here in the US. So many people want the newest and best things, come to find out they almost all have problems, side effects, and NO long term effect studies to read about. My personal advice, stay away from anything that keeps you from your monthly period. No matter what anyone says, not shedding is NOT healthy. Your body is very understanding, but there are some things we were designed to do, and that is to clean out our uterus every month. I understnad how the pill works, and it is not a natural shed, but it is allowing our bodies to function the way it is designed too.
I had the depo shot for a year a while ago. And while it has been around for over 10 years, I honestly havent met anyone who hasn't had terrible side effects from it. My sister has an IUD, and she said childbirth was less painful. The insertion was agony for her, and almost a year of knock down on the sofa 8+ day periods she has finally started to not hurt so often. The scary thing is it has to come out in a 8 years, she is dreading that.
Which brings me back to old reliable pill. The studies have been so favorable in the extra protection the pill hormones give us in cancer ETC is really encouraging. Like I said tell the doc of your symptoms of what your last pill gave you. There are so many types you will definately find one to work. Good Luck, and thank you to your husband for his service to keep us all safe. My good friends deployment ends today, he was in Mosul.
Please read below about the withdrawl method recommended by another mama. This is taken from http://www.contracept.org/withdrawal.php
"This method is estimated to have a 27% failure rate annually among typical users. That means that every year, over 1 in 4 people using withdrawal as their only method of birth control will get pregnant. Failure rates will be lower for couples using withdrawal in combination with another method. Perfect users can expect a failure rate as low as 4%, which actually compares favorably to many other methods. See table of contraceptive failure rates... Withdrawal has a 31% annual failure rate for teens because they typically have less practice using this method effectively. More about birth control failure rates for teens and young adults... "