I had a Mirena IUD for a few months last year, and ended up taking it out b/c of all the side effects I had from it, including acne. Even though my doc said the hormone level was VERY low, and he didn't know of many women that had side effects, I was one of them. Not only did I have side effects, but I had a lot of them. Including, migraine headaches, constipation, low sex drive, weight gain, nausea, acne, and fatigue. None of which I would have taken the thing out for by itself, but all together it just wasn't worth it. Not to mention one of the migraines that I had presented as stroke symptoms that put me in the ER and eventually in the hospital for 3 days!! Scary. Anyway, I would not mess around when it comes to hormones in your body. You might be able to tolerate it, but I wouldn't even think about it without advice from a doctor. I'd say if you like the Mirena, see a dermatologist, and let them give you something non-hormonal for the acne.