I know three women who swear by them for hot flashes, depression, and mood swings. I am afraid to try anything because I am on so many pills right now. Please update us if you try it.
Has anyone used bioidentical hormones? good or bad experiences?
I know three women who swear by them for hot flashes, depression, and mood swings. I am afraid to try anything because I am on so many pills right now. Please update us if you try it.
I started peri-menopause early and went with the bio-identical and they were amazing! As a nurse, I personally will not take the synthetic.
I work in a Dr's office & that's usually what we prescribe. Our patients love them. Good luck!
I have tried bio-identical hormones and loved them. I lost my insurance so now I get my hormones from the health food store and I can really tell a difference.The bio-identical hormones lift your spirit up everyday. When I get upset now I really get upset.