The best bottle is the one you can get her to take. You'll get a multitude of responses about what is best...but it is really what was best for their baby.
My daughter took AVENT bottle and nipples with no problems and I didn't even introduce a bottle for the first time until 8 weeks. I worked full time and pumped for the first year and she never even moved past the stage one nipple. She was very efficient at the breast too, so I don't think the nipple phased her.
FYI on the divorce, here in Texas special consideration is sometimes given to a breastfeeding relationship...don't know what it would be in CA. I am in no way saying you should restrict her father's access, but they may modify the visitation schedule to accomodate successful breastfeeding--in fact overnight visits are limited/non-existent before the age of 2-3 years old. Especially if you have production issues, the baby should be on the breast as much as possible.