Dr Hauschka makes a lavendar bath oil that can be added to any bath. It's great. You get it at Whole Foods and while it seems expensive you use so little at a time that it lasts forever.
I know Johnson & Johnson makes a "bedtime bath" shampoo and bubble bath wash that is supposed to help your baby sleep better. While it does smell nice, I haven't noticed it helping in my babies sleep. Is there ANY type of body wash for babies that anyone has used that HAS helped your baby sleep better? I hear lavender and chamomile is good...?
Dr Hauschka makes a lavendar bath oil that can be added to any bath. It's great. You get it at Whole Foods and while it seems expensive you use so little at a time that it lasts forever.
My experience--Stay away from bubble bath. A few weeks ago I had to work late on multiple evenings; my husband gave our daughter her baths that week... However, he doesn't feel comfortable getting in there and washing her girl parts... So he bought bubble bath to make the water soapy and let that do the washing. Ah, silly daddy... She developed vaginosis (a bacterial infection). Sat on the toilet screaming because it hurt too much to pee. Her pedi said #1 cause of vaginosis was bubble bath. Not sure what the impact is on boys. However, I'd avoid bubble bath solutions completely.
if you have a girl try to steer away from bubble baths they can cause yeast infections, i would try more of a rub down with lotion rather than a bath though the rub is more soothing
pretty much nothing helps my son so if you find something that is a miracle worker, let me know. But yeah torrie is right, no body wash as a bubble bath. the lotion will work a thousand times better!
I don't know your bedtime routine, but having one is the best thing you can do. For my son we feed, bath, baby massage, book, bottle. Lol my mom call's it the 4 B's when I told her our routine. My son will be playing as hard as he can all through the baby massage, but at the book he will lean on me and listen and look at the book. And at bottle time he will be calm and fall asleep in my arms till I put him in the crib and he wakes up for a minute then falls back asleep. So I hope this helps.
I second Torrie's answer. I am so mad at J&J for that myth! That bubble bath is STRONG smelling also, not soothing. I fell into that trap too when my daughter was tiny. Lavender is a GREAT bedtime soother, I wouldn't know where to start with looking for an appropriate hypoallergenic product for baby though. Let us know if you find anything good ;-)
Call Smile Herb Shop in College Park. They carry many essential oils that are safe to use with babies.
L. M
We (as adults) rented a condo and the altitude gave us a headache. We found pillows in the rooms with lavender scent on them. We didn't rub anything on us, just the scent relaxed us and soothed our headaches.
I have heard the same too about those scents too and vanilla as well. Just be careful, I would not try something for adults on your baby since they may be too harsh , drying or cause a rash on babies. Johnson and Johnson a yr or so ago, I thought had come up with a line of bath wash and baby lotion with the lavendar scent in addition to the traditional bath wash, you might ck it out in a big store like Target or Walmart or on line on their web-site. I have seen the lotion and it has a lt lavendar top .Hope this helps
I used the Johnson bedtime lotion and IMMEDIATELY noticed a difference! My DD used to take about 30 minutes of rocking to fall asleep, then I would have to put her down, she would cry so I soothe her, put her down, etc. usually start around 8, final fall asleep anywhere from 9-10... since I started using the lotion she will fall asleep either while nursing, or within 10 minutes of finishing... and stays asleep until 4:00 (My DD is 3 1/2 mos... :D)