I say Land's End is the way to go. Stick with it. Why change if you've got a good thing going? I have bought them for my kids (along with L.L.Bean's bags) and both of these brands have held up amazingly well. My son's bag is 3 yrs old and still in perfect shape. He is going into 8th grade, so you can imagine he has attempted some damage on the thing over the past 3 years... You'd never know it though.
I finally broke down and bought my daughter an LLBean bag this past year (she didn't care for the colors on any of the LE ones) and it still looks brand new. I expect it will last a few more years as well. SOOOOO worth the extra few dollars they cost, compared to buying one at Target or whatever. Those all wear out in a few months and have to be replaced anyway...
I even used my son's 3 yr old bag this past spring, to carry some things on an all day field trip with my daughter's class onto Cumberland Island. It was just what I needed and still... looks fabulous and completely functional in every way. Every zipper still works perfectly, etc.