Nearly any technique you try is going to be time consuming so while it will be completely inconvenient for you, you need to stick with a technique and give it a fair shot if you want it to work. In the long run, having your daughter fall asleep in her own bed in a timely manner is not a 'mean thing', it is a good healthy habit.
Start on a Friday night (so you have the weekend to recover from loss of sleep if need be) and tell your daughter that there is going to be a change in the way bedtime works. Inform her that the new routine is that she will put on her pajamas, brush her teeth, get a story read to her, then it is lights out and she is to stay in bed. After the routine, leave the room. If she gets out of bed, take her by the hand and lead her back into bed - no discussion, no eye contact, nothing. Make these trips as boring as possible. I can guarantee the first, second, third nights will probably be hell. She may get up over 100 times, scream, cry, throw a tantrum, etc. but you have to be consistent and let her know that when it is time for bed, she needs to get in her bed and fall asleep. If you follow through, she will learn that you are not coming back and she will figure out a way to fall asleep on her own. If you do not follow through and you give in, she learns that all she needs to do to get her way is protest, scream, or tantrum and eventually you'll come running.
You could also choose to couple this with a reward system. Make a chart and for every night she is able to go to her bed and fall asleep, she gets a sticker. After she accumulates 5 stickers, she can have a reward - maybe keep a clear jar of treats on top of the refrigerator or take her out for a special lunch.
You have to understand that you have some hard work in front of you. Be patient and consistent with whatever technique you choose, because most things we will do as a parent will be time consuming but well worth it!