Good luck! I'm not a bus driver, but am a school administrator and can tell you that the majority of my behavioral referrals start on the bus in the morning. The best thing I can tell you is to do what you do with your own kids...
- Set rules
- Be consistent
- Learn "who needs what"
- Keep safety first! If the kids are getting rowdy, pull over.
- Dealing with parents... remember that your only job is to get the kids to-and-from school safely. Don't get overly involved with parents and direct ALL concerns directly to the principal and/or your supervisor. Be friendly with them and always let them know if their child was involved in something on the bus, but don't get too "wordy". Let them know that someone from the district will contact them if there is any follow-up.
Many bus drivers who find themselves in challenging situations will acknowledge that at some point they stepped outside of their realm of responsibility which dragged them into something that is really an administrative issue to deal with. Just keep that in mind!