Okay, the hydrocortisone is setting off alarm bells for me. My older daughter had eczema on her face, and of course, most doctors will have you put hydrocortisone on for that. Fine. HOWEVER, using hydrocortisone, especially at prescription strengths, for more than 3 days can actually cause a skin infection that is red, itchy and spreads like crazy. (It took 6 weeks and 3 doctors before we figured this out, by the way...) Anyway, the condition is called Perioral Dermatitis, and the medication that finally cleared it up is called Metronidazole Topical Cream 0.75%. Be aware that it can take 4-6 weeks for this condition to clear up after you start using the medication (and, stop using the hydrocortisone immediately!).
Here are some links about Perioral Dermatitis, so you can see if this is what the rash looks like, and a copy/paste from one of the websites:
What causes perioral dermatitis?
The exact cause is not clear. However, in many cases the rash seems to be triggered by one or more of the following:
Steroid creams and ointments are a main trigger. See below for details.
Make-up, cleansers and cosmetics applied to the area affected on the face. It may be that certain ingredients of cosmetics may act as the trigger. For example, one study found that make-up foundation seemed to be a particular provoking factor.
Physical factors such as strong winds and ultraviolet (UV) light.
Fluorinated toothpaste has been suggested as a possible trigger.
Yeasts and bacteria that live on the skin and in hair follicles have been suggested as a possible trigger. (However, perioral dermatitis is not just a simple skin infection.)
Hormone factors may play a part as some women find that the rash becomes worse just before a period.
The oral contraceptive pill may be a factor in some cases.