I think it's wonderful that you are caring and open minded enough to allow your girls to go and are thinking of this moms needs.
To those of you judgmental ladies, it was people like you who made me come home crying everyday after school. I was a teen mom. But I was not a skank. I was raped. I did not tell anyone until years later because I was ashamed. Kids and their parents shunned me. My "friends" would not talk to me at all. They all ASSUMED the worst about me. Even the teachers treated me differently. My principal tried to get me to drop out of the high school and attend an alternative high school, because it was " better" for me. Most Likely it was better for t he school's image. I did not though, I stayed and toughed out the stares, the jeers and the ridicule. It was so hard! I wish my friends had given my a baby shower to show they cared! I did have one that my boss held for me at my work, and the employees' and my family came. She was the best boss ever :) I was very grateful to her for that. I needed what any mom did, diapers, rash cream, tylonal, onsies in a variety of sizes, that cream you put on sore nipples, books, I loved reading, it was all I ever did since I had no social life anymore. Books for the baby, thermometer, and memory book.
I sure hope this girl makes the best out of a sticky situation. It cane done...not all teen moms end up in loserville. I am now a mom of 3, we live in a nice neighborhood, have awesome jobs, great friends, and things are totally normal. It was a blessing in disguise. It made me stronger, more compassionate, more aware of human nature and what kids go though that nobody wants to talk about or think their kids will ever face, it's made me a better mother and friend.
Thank you for taking the time to do this small act of kindness. Your daughters have a good mom to look up to!