I think it's rude to have another baby shower. I think if close friends and family know your in a bind for new baby stuff that prehaps they would volunteer to help but I don't think it should be expected nor should someone have a shower.
That's the things people need to think of before having children at all or having their 2nd or 6th child. Can we afford it, and can we do it? It is not your family or society's problem.
They sell alot of really really nice good quality great condition baby items at many thrift stores, consignment shops and garage sales.
I am all for hand me downs for most items, and it's a blow to our planet and Earth to keep buying brand new for every baby.I'd hate to see how much baby stuff ends up in a landfill. Baby's do deserve the best but there is no reason you can't make do with hand me downs or buying gently used.
I have a 8yr.old and 10mo.old and BOTH my girls got hand me downs. The only thing I bought new for both would be carseat/stroller for safety reasons and personal preference. They got new clothing too. But if someone was giving away or selling a swing, bouncy chair, crib etc. I took it. I'm picky I like my stuff to be newer, in style, clean, trendy, and match. I did it!
I understand NEW for the first baby with the intentions of passing down to future children but I donot understand brand new for your fourth baby sounds like a waste to me since baby items are used for such a short amt. of time.
Just my opinion! I'm not cheap or jealous either just old fashioned a bit with common courtesy and respect.
I'm all for a meet and greet after the baby is born have a big celebration and show off that new bundle of joy.