Baby Increased Gassiness and Bowel Movements

Updated on June 21, 2013
T.P. asks from Castle Rock, CO
6 answers

My baby girl is 3 months old and although she's always had some level of gassiness, it seems to have increased in the past few weeks. She's been on Similac Sensitive formula since she was a few weeks old after nursing became near impossible with her and she has done well on it. I had noticed by 2 months, she was burping a lot better after feedings. Used to be difficult to get her to burp. And since birth, she passes gas quite often. But lately, despite being able to burp well and pass gas, she still seems to get gas cramps by the way she acts (more fussy when being laid back down, drawing up knees, etc.) She grunts a lot more (though part of it seems to be just that she is more vocal as she discovers her voice now). And the past three days in a row, she's had a bowel movement. They have been normal color and consistency though. I just wonder if her formula could be suddenly causing her gas or bowel issues that it wasn't before. It's a sensitive kind, so I have no idea why it would suddenly bother her. Are these things anything to be worried about?

ETA: I forgot to mention that she gets infant gas drops quite a bit...either in her bottle or after a feeding to help her. It does seem to help, but I worried about the fact she seems more gassy than before. We haven not changed bottles or nipples recently. We had switched her to the medium flow at age 6 weeks due to her taking forever to finish a bottle on the slow flow.

I'll try doing the drops beforehand. I do shake it to mix it with the water. Is there a better way mix it? Or should l let it sit a bit so the bubbles settle before feeding?

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answers from Jacksonville on

I don't think the BM'S are a problem, but the increase in gassiness may be something as simple as swallowing to much air during her feedings. Have you switched bottles and/or nipples? If it really concerns you and becomes more frequent, call the pediatrician !
It'll be ok ! C. S.

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answers from Louisville on

might be better to give the drops before the bottle instead of after...

-also, when fixing the formula, do you shake the bottles? that tends to add much air that baby gets!

ETA - I think getting rid of the bubbles will greatly help! Do you make the bottles ahead - like a day's worth? That would give the bubbles time to dissipate as well! This makes me glad I used the concentrated liquid with my own and my grand when she was little - bubbles from mixing were not a problem!

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answers from Kansas City on

Hey T.,

I'm sorry your sweet baby girl is going through this. When my girls were babies I always mixed the formula in one bottle, and then with my finger holding back the bubbles, I poured only the formula into a new bottle. My girls never had gas issues at all, and I think my method is the reason.

Good Luck!!! Keep me posted on how she is doing!

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answers from Seattle on

Sounds pretty normal. Babies insides are still developing, and changing as they grow.

For her gas, you can give her infant gas drops and that should help. You can get them at any store. We used them when my son was little, and it always helped him with that.

Congrats on the new little one.

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answers from Houston on

Her GI system is still developing and learning how to function. Some things will work a certain way for a while and then not, as the body adjusts. It doesn't sound like you should be concerned right now. Keep track of it, though, so any patterns will be documented. Mention it to her doctor for the record, and just observe.

Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!

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answers from Denver on

I had this exact same issue. My doctor had me switch back to lower flow nipples as she couldn't cope with the flow and was gulping air trying to keep up with the fast flow.

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