Hi E. - My child was doing something similar to what you are describing and I brought her into my Dr. right away. It was a good thing I did because she had very early signs of "Infantile Spasms" because we acted so quickly we were able to start a treatment right away and we currently have them under control. These are not your standard seizure, so there isn't the confusion or sleepyness that you would normally see. It is very unlikely that your child has the same thing as my daughter because it is rare. So don't start researching all the scary things - but do see your Dr. immediately.
The best thing you can do for your child is to record a video of her when she is doing this with your phone or camera and write down every time it happens in a notebook that you can bring to the Dr. appt. Include what she ate, what she was doing before and after and what time, how long. Anything that you can tell the Dr. to help figure out if it is nothing or something that needs medical attention.
I'm not sure why the other Mommy commenting discounted the fathers concerns. If either of you ever feel concerned it is always best to check it out with your Doctor. It really worries me when I see all these Mom's posting for medical advice on these social networking websites. Even if an actual Dr. replied to a question, they don't have the medical history or the ability to examine the person so a wrong diagnosis could easily be given.
I sincerely hope it is nothing and congrats on your baby girl!