Actually, you CAN have your cake and eat it too. We have a pressure mounted gate that has a latch to open the swinging walk-thru part. This gate works for us and we have a wall on one side (with drywall), and a mirror on the other side. It is a floor to ceiling mirror and goes about 5 feet down the wall. The great thing about this gate is that it has 4 little 'screw in stoppers' that will work even if your wall isn't level. It really helps to keep the gate tight when you can adjust all 4 points separately. We got it at Toys R Us, and I think it was made by Summer (?). It's white metal tubular railing, and it's about 3 feet high. It's also expandable for wider openings (which was another problem for us). Good luck, and let me know if you need more info, and I'll try to find the box.