Hi Shoshana,
I don't know much about the spitting up part, but we always mixed my son's rice cereal with something tastier. If you have ever tried the stuff, how could you blame him? We started him on solids around 6 1/2 months and from the beginning I made the food at home. It is surprisingly easy- I would make a batch and freeze it in ice cube trays and store in zip-lock bags. Then I just pop them in the microwave. I gave him both fruits and veggies, cooked separately and then they can be put together in different combos for variety. The problem with store bought baby food is it is designed for convenience, not taste.
I have also heard that you should start out with veggies over fruit, but fruits are the easiest to digest. May be worth a try if he has a sensitive tummy. Starting out, he loved apples, bananas and pears especially.
Now he is almost 14 months and is a very good eater. I still make most of his food at home and freeze it, except, now they are more complete dishes. His favorite is chicken soup with rice, which is so great because you can put all kinds of veggies in it. He always has some fruit for dessert.
As for the food stains, if you really care about the clothes, the best thing is to try to get the stain out right away and not let it sit. I used totally toddler stain remover and would run it under warm water. Otherwise, just let it go- they grow out of them so quickly anyway!
Good luck.