I've stopped reading the comments, I had to.
Here is my opinion, No I don't care if the word terror was used. He used it, so for the people who want the word used should be content. Alas they are not.
What people need to understand is that there are things that go on all the time. Always have and always will. We do not need to know everything! I agree with HeatherL the time spent informing us of every little thing would be a waste.
It would take away from time, money, and effort needed to resolve the issue. Do you want to live in constant fear? I sure as hell don't. I don't have any first hand knowledge or clearance level to ever know all the details of what happened, neither does anyone else on this site. ( even If they did they couldn't speak on it anyway) So where I get ticked is that people speak on things they shouldn't.
News is embellished, be it for ratings, sells or to prove a particular belief. People need to wake up and stop acting like its the gospel! How anyone can say he never used the word is beyond me. He used the word! Then you have people who can't get around the fact that he did use the word "terror" now argue he used it the general sense of the word or he didn't use it soon enough...Give me a break its ridiculous.
Does when he said it really make a difference? If he went talking about something before having all the information and turned out to be wrong, people would have a fit over that.
How one, not saying you, can say he doesn't care about the lives lost b/c he didn't use the word terrorism right away baffles me!
I don't care when it was used. What I care about is what will be done about it, and how we can TRY to prevent it from happening again.
I also agree with Veronica P.
I do know I am so sick of this election. Make an intelligent, educated, choice based on you believe is best for your family, society and what areas you are passionate about. Vote for that person and keep it moving. I could so do without all the mudslinging. Outright lies and half truths, don't change facts.
Wake up people!
Let me clarify the last paragraph, research each candidate, where they stand on the issues and which one you feel, based on their plans, will best bring about the change you feel is needed. Stop listening to all the bs. Unless you work one on one with him you have no idea what he knew and when.