Definitely a normal phase! My first went through this at around that age, and my 2nd has been in this phase for the last month (he's 9 mos, so started at 8 mos). So, just keep in mind that it's normal, healthy, and *temporary* - hopefully that will make it a little easier on you mentally. Seven months is still so young! They still really do need us close by, as much as possible, and in the long run, your responsiveness is way more valuable than a month or so of completed daily chores (but I know it's hard to ignore the chores - drives me batty sometimes, even when I'm telling myself "let it go" and trying to think in the long term).
Sounds like you do have some good strategies already for getting stuff done without having to let him scream. Here are a few more possibilities that we use (since I personally don't get too much done when my little guy is crying):
* when he's just having a tough day (where he seems really fragile, cries every time you're out of view), just pop him in a good, comfortable baby carrier like an ergo carrier, patapum carrier, or sutemi carrier - easy on, easy off, can wear them on your back (out of the way), puts the weight on your hips and evenly distributed over your shoulders, a great way to get them to fall asleep when you're on the move (as you're vaccuming, unloading dishwasher, changing loads of laundry, etc. - assuming that you have to do these things) (for the ergo, and videos to see what it looks like, how to wear it)
* for showers, the peek-a-boo idea mentioned earlier is great, and if you have a baby that sits very sturdily, you can always stick a small towel on the floor of the tub or shower with some toys to play with while you take a nice leisurely shower
And now I have to go because *my* little guy needs me (see? it's universal!). Just remember, this is NOT a permanent phase, he will grow out of it soon (especially the more responsive we are to our little babies, the more secure they feel). Hang in there! And don't hesitate to get help from your husband, partner, friends, parents, or a mother's helper. Mom's definitely need to recharge, too, and this phase can be really draining. :)