My four year old has PDD-NOS and she is highly functioning thanks to the awesome program from prince Georges County Public School District. I have the number if you want it. Most of the therapist and teachers are from James Ryder Randall Elementary. They will come to your home and "play" with him and ask you some questions. When I say "play" I mean they have some toys and activities for him to do so they can evaluate him. They will tell you if you are eligible for services on the spot. If they suspect that he is on the Autism spectrum they will tell you. If they feel that he is, you will need to go to your doctor and ask for a referal to get him "officially" tested. If you need the phone number please message me and I will give it to you!
I don't believe in the gluten/casein free diet would be helpful for my daughter. Some kids are on that diet due to an allergy to gluton or casein. Ask your doctor before you make any big diet decisions.
My daughter has hypersensitive hearing too. Before I turn on the vacume I ahve to tell her. then we count to ten while she runs upstairs to her room and closes the door. When i vacume upstairs, she will hide in her bathroom. if something starts to bother her, she always has a hideout. Usually her room. You just have to learn his triggers and figure out what works for him.
As for therapy, my daughter is in speech therapy. In the past year, her language has done a complete 180! Like i said before, she has some awesome teachers working with her. Since she is 4 she goes to school from 9-3:30 everyday and loves it. When she was 3 she went half days.
Please contact me and let me know what happens! If you have any other questions, let me know!