How exactly does crying change the genetic make up of a child giving them ADD? It is genetic not environmental.
ADHD is not an illness it is a disorder, you are born with it. Whether or not crying can make it worse I don't know. There are a lot of environmental factors that can make it worse. You still have to be born with it.
If you can't tell I think the article is a bunch of hooey. I have never heard of anyone saying let them cry it out to a newborn when clearly they cry for what they need. It isn't until they reach an age of being aware of things they want that most say cry it out. You wouldn't say to a parent of a toddler having a temper tantrum over wanting a toy at the store you are depriving them of their needs because they are crying so give them the toy. Why if the tears come at night do some automatically say they need you give them what they want.
My children need discipline day and night for them to learn.