My dad is a land lord for 3 condo/apartments which are part of a huge condo/apartment complex (total of 15 buildings with 4-5 condos in each building). Being part of a complex is nice because as a whole all the owners get together and approve which company(s) to do the outside maintenance (mowing the lawn, snow removal) which everyone who owns has to chip in or pay "fees". All indoor care of the condos are the owners responsiblity. So the water heater breaks my dad has to take care of it or call someone to do so.
He also rents out a house. He has in the contract that they are resonsible for snow removal, they can paint the walls if they so want, but all other repairs must go through my dad.
It is great income BUT can be a lot of work the more places you have to manage. IT also depends on what you decide on in the contract. Look up what the laws/rules are for our area because that will also dictate on what you MUST do and provide.
My dad is a great landlord, he repsonds with in the hour of a call reporting something, and usually within the day it is repaired unless he finds that something will take longer to repair. He has had his fair share of great renters and bad renters (had to take them to court, get them evicted for not paying rent, and property damage). My dad is a people person, can handle working with that occassional hard to deal with person, hard worker and I help out too. It is nice extra income/investment but at times it will not be easy.
Things you will do:
-Write up contract (pets/no pets, repairs, payment and so on) best to have a lawyer apart of this so it will hold up in court if need be
-Do background check
-Collect payment (if done in person also a good time to check to see if they are obeying the contract)
-Do repairs, maintenance or make arrangements for someone to do them
-If taking care of the outside maintenance; mowing lawn, weeding, snow removal)
-Deal with unhappy renters
-Turn around repair, cleaning, maintenance (when one renter leaves and getting ready for the new renter or to show the place)
-If it is a bad rent might have to take them to court
Some time it will go smoothly and sometimes it will not. If you/hubby can handle changes well, let things roll off your back, on top of replying to people and getting things done this could be a good endeavor for you two... on the other hand you/hubby do not want to deal with other people's issues, the upkeep of another property/house, do not like or can not handle dealing with diffcult people this might not be an endeavor you want to get into.
LASTLY always be prepared to cover the rent/morgage if the place sits empty for awhile. My dad has no morgage left on any of the condos BUT the repair on it when someone destroys a place is costly. For my dad he is really handy, do-it-yourself kind of guy so he will put in new sinks, bathtubs, flooring by himself... I do all the painting & trim work in the places. We are handy that way but if we had to job it out it would cost triple what he spends on just the material.