Mario Kart is a really fun game, as is Wipeout, based on the TV show. My kids are 4 and 6 and they love both of these. They both also like the Lego games, like Indiana Jones, Star Wars and Harry Potter. There is fighting in I. Jones and Star Wars, but nothing gory and it's done in a humorous, non-offensive way. When a character runs out of lives their lego pieces fall apart, which my kids find hilarious. The Harry Potter game has a lot of spell work, so there's not really the fighting. What I've found with my son is that boys like the good guys v. bad guys battles and the Lego games are the most kid and family friendly games with that. There's also a lot of problem solving in the Lego games and 2 players can play at the same time, promoting teamwork, taking turns and compromising. These games may not teach letters and spelling, but they do help the kids develop logical thinking, cause and effect and problem solving skills.