My water broke at 38 weeks with my first. I was totally unprepared for it and, like you, the water broke prior to contractions. They actually ended up inducing labor! So, with my second I was all prepared for my water to break again but it didn't. Same thing with my third. Each labor was very different (and they actually had to break the water with 2 and 3). So, relax and think about how you would like this birth to be if your water does not break. For me with my first, I felt like I missed out on the whole contracting at home and the "honey, it's time and driving off to the hospital" fantasy since the water breaking makes everything that much more urgent. With my second, it was very much like you read in books with timing contractions, etc and it was nice! But, lucky for you if your water does break again you will know just what to do! Best of luck!