Anyone Used Melatonin on Their Toddler

Updated on August 12, 2010
S.K. asks from Lansing, MI
18 answers

Hi, I have a 13 and 1/2 month old who is terrible in the car. She constantly whines and complains and make the entire trip unbearable. We've switched carseats and gotten her a DVD player, nothing seems to help. We have to travel alot because both my husband's and my family live out of state. We're heading out for a family visit this weekend which is about 5 hours, granted we don't hit traffic in Chicago. A friend of mine recomended giving our daughter melatonin to help her sleep during our trip. Anyone used it? I'm a little nervous to give my daughter anything other than tylenol and motrin. Thanks in advance!!

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answers from Dallas on

I would NOT ever give this to my child. It isn't tested for kids and what would you feel like if something horrible happened to her b/c of it? I have a friend that also uses it for her child, so you might get differing opinions about it, but I am set on not using anything on my child that isn't approved for their age group.

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answers from Detroit on

My granddaughter was the same way from BIRTH. Come to find out she was carsick. Little ones that age probably can't tell you why they hate the car...they can only cry and whine knowing how lousy it makes them feel. My daughter's remedy was first to put the carseat in the middle of the back seat so she could see out the front window too. She also got those motion sickness wristbands that really help alot! She also makes sure she has a few cracker snacks available. I hope this helps!



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answers from Saginaw on

As long as her needs are met, and she's not hungry, or doesn't have to go to the bathroom, or nothing is physically hurting her, then turn the radio up and ignore it. She'll stop as soon as she see's that her whining isn't getting her anywhere. Don't unneccessarily drug her.
She'll get over it as soon as she knows that she has to because this is how it is.

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answers from Boston on

I would not give this to my child just so they would sleep in the car or to a child that young. I do give it to my 7 year old to help him sleep at night so I am not against it but I would not do it for a car ride. Like someone said it can cause side effects like nightmares and your child can not let tell you if that is happening. If I take it it helps me fall asleep but if I wake up for any reason I can not go back to sleep and if you are in a car there are plenty of chances for a baby to wake up and that would be the last thing you need.
When I was traveling and my oldest boys were younger the doctor gave us the OK to use benadryl for flying. I would give no thought to using benadryl over melatonin.

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answers from Little Rock on

It is not recommended. I do know what you are going through though. We travel about 6 hours to visit family 2 times a year. My kids are generally good on a car trip, but by the time we head home they are tired and cranky and sick of sitting. Usually about 2 hours from home one or both of my youngest start crying and cry all the way home. It is enough to drive you out of your mind. I would hate to have to deal with that a whole trip. You might try driving at night when she would normally be sleeping anyway or you may try over-stuffing her will cereal before leaving to make her drowsy. She may also do better if one parent sits with her. I know that usually both parents sit in the front and the baby sits in the back all by them selves. If one of you sit beside her it might help. Take some books and dolls and favorite toys along. Playing some music might also help. Anyway, I would never drug one of my kids to make them sleep to keep them quiet.

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answers from Columbus on

I don't know that I would give this to a child without your doctors advise. My childs psyciatrist recomended it for sleep, but she is much older. I do know that our pediatrician told me to give my daughter some benedryl before we flew because she had fluid in her ears...and as a side effect, he said it would help her sleep through the flight..and she did. Before you give her anything, I would talk to the doctor.


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answers from Seattle on

Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical in our bodies that helps to regulate sleep and signify to the body it's time for sleep once it's dark out. It is not the same thing as a sleeping pill that will knock you out. It could very well have the opposite effect you intend but in the long run it will most likely not do damage so it's up to you if you're willing to try it.

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answers from Portland on

Do NOT use melatonin during daylight hours. A very extensive study of nurses found that when used at night, it reduced the incidence of breast cancer, but when used during the day, in INCREASED the incidence of breast cancer.

This is a natural hormone produced in the brain at night. It runs counter to nature to use it during the day. And it probably doesn't work very well when the sun's up, anyway.

Before you leave, google some videos of Dr. Harvey Karp, author of The Happiest Toddler on the Block, empathizing with whining or tantruming children, and getting some rather amazing results. You might want to try his technique with your daughter. Here's one to get you started:

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answers from Dover on

I wouldn't! I suggest leaving relatively close to your child's bedtime so she will sleep.



answers from Detroit on

Yes! 1 mg should do. It is a homeopathic miracle! Have fun on your trip!
I would never use Benedryl as a sleep aid... or any other "drug"... Melatonin is much milder. If you are at the point where you just can't handle the trip... I would try it!



answers from San Antonio on

IMHO it is unethical to give children any type of drug (even somethig natural) to put them to sleep and out of our misery. And I'm not judging because we've all been tempted!

Seriously, though, Melatonin can cause terrible nightmares. I would not give it to a child who cannot communicate her dreams well to you.

Good luck. I hope she grows out of this and gives you some peace.



answers from Detroit on

Hi S.---Please 'google' melatonin. It is a chemical produced naturally by the body when it gets dark to signal sleep. I would think that it would NOT work if trying to give some during the day.

It is a challenge, but kids these days really need to learn that there are times that they need to sit still and do nothing. My kids are older so we did not have DVD players, game boys, etc to use in the car. I get motion sickness, so my husband would sit in the back seat and read and play with the kids when we travelled. BTW, we lived in the Ann Arbor area and drove to central and nw Iowa. 10 and 13 hours respectively. Wish we only had a 5 hour trip, so take that as a positive :).

Stock the backseat with plenty of her favorite toys, books and snacks. Bring her blankie or other comfort item. Gut it up and don't be afraid to admonish her negative behavior. It will be tough until she gets the message that you and her daddy are running the show and not her. Please understand that I am not suggesting that you let her do that, but sometimes it's hard to take a stand when you are enclosed in a small metal transportation device and can't get away from her displeasure. Be strong. It won't last forever. Good luck and let us know how you all did. D.



answers from Detroit on

I'am all for giving homeopathic to kids. but I would not give melatonin to her! My husband is taking it and it cause him nightmares. I would try Rescue Remedy by Bach's. My Chiropractor recommends it to patients for calming kids down. It won't make her sleeping! It will just calm and relax her.
This is info directly from there site:
The original Bach Rescue® Remedy
* Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress.
* Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life.
* Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path.
* Rock Rose: For situations in which one experiences panic or terror.
* Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment.

This combination of Bach Flower Remedies is especially beneficial when you find yourself in traumatic situations, such as, stress, emergencies, after getting bad news, before an exam or job interview and all other kind of situations where we suddenly lose balance mentally. The Remedies quickly get us back in our normal balance so that we calmly can deal with any situation.

Good Luck to you and Safe travels,
C. M.



answers from Detroit on

Giving anyone melatonin is not good, especially for a toddler. The body will get out of balance and may grow to be dependant on it.

Calcium/magnesium supplements help calm the body. May seem "out there", but this acutally helps children/adults who are adhd. Of course she can't swallow yet so two things: find a reliable company who makes a high quality calcium magnesium supplement (so there isn't any contaminants) and secondly find one that is chewable and doesn't contain a lot of sugar, which would offset the positive affects of the magnesium.

So icalcium will help her bones and the magnesium calms the nerves and muscles.

What about soothing music for her to listen to? Or maybe one of the coloring books where the markers only work on that type of paper (can't think of the name).

Also, it sounds like she is a high energy child and may not want to sit for any length of time.

One last thing...Have you tried to travel at the times it is her nap time?

Good luck and safe travelling.



answers from Detroit on

our daughter was horrible too. Now that she's older we realize that she is/was getting car sick. Could that be the problem?



answers from Sacramento on

Our son has ADHD and has taken melatonin since he was four to help him calm down enough to sleep. We did this under his psychiatrist's guidance. It was worked beautifully, with zero side effects. I would not give it to a child who's only one , though, without first consulting your doctor. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's safe for everyone. We've also found the potency varies considerably between brands, because melatonin isn't regulated.



answers from Los Angeles on

Try natural Cherry Juice, we use "Just Cherry" from Trader Joe's. It has natural melatonin in it, 4 oz is enough. Melatonin stays in their system way too long. I would not try it. She will be foggy for a day or two at the very least of the side effects. The juice will calm her if it does not pt her to sleep.

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