Hi Laura,
I just turned 33 in February, have been married to my husband for almost 3 years and have been raising his 9 y.o. son for the past 4 1/2 years. We have been TTC for about 15 months now. In January, after about a year of trying, my doc performed a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy to look at all my goods and make sure everything is in working order...it is. He put me on fertility meds for a month and we did a semen analysis, which didn't look so great. Last week we saw a reproductive endocrinologist and thought he would begin by discussing artificial insemination...But he jumped straight to IVF. Although we would really like to conceive the old fashioned way, at this point, I am tired of waiting and will go to the ends of the earth to get pregnant. However, because of my travel schedule in April (my best friend is getting married in TN and I just can't miss her wedding), it looks like I'll have to wait until May for the procedure. I am going NUTS, but we're still trying naturally in the meantime of course. I know exactly what you are going through, and it is especially hard for me raising another woman's child and making all of the sacrifices a mother makes without ever having my own baby. And to make matters worse my younger, 28 y.o sister called me in January announcing that she was pregnant. She's been married for less than a year and wasn't even trying. She and her husband got really drunk at a Christmas party and just weren't careful.
My OB/Gyn told me that generally, for women under 35, they don't start testing until a year of TTC, but for women over 35, they start after just 6 months, so if I were you, I'd call my doc ASAP and let him or her know that you're having problems and want to discuss it. The fertility center my doc sent me to has an office in Gurnee and in Crystal Lake..The Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (Drs. Jain and Sherbahn). Dr. Jain showed me a graph of their success rates as compared to other fertility ceners in the area, and theirs were much higher (why? I don't know). They also have a website with lots of useful info, but I cannot locate the web address. I'm sure if you do a search, you'll have no problem finding it.
Just hang in there, believe me I know that it is hard, and I totally feel your pain...every month. If you ever want to chat, feel free to send me an email... ____@____.com
And thanks to everyone else who responded..your info was helpful. I'll probably go out today and buy that book!