You wrote: "Please help me to see if i'm truly the person at fault....which i dont believe i am"
You know, I think its important that you wipe the slate clean. You and him have to go into counseling with an open mind. Otherwise, it won't work. It doesn't sound like you have let go of the things that offended you in the past. It sounds like you keep trying to focus on his past actions and place blame... Darling, let go of the specifics. You have bigger issues to focus on.
1.) You don't trust him to be faithful, period. It sounds like, at some point, he lost trust for you also, which maybe why he tried to control whom you have access to and what you did on your down time... IDK. That he is or was involved in chat sites and reflected himself as single--honestly, I don't think that matters anymore. You're now in counseling; you should be focusing on talking about reasons your relationship doesn't have trust instead of getting him to admit blame or to apologize for past grievances.
2.) Your intimacy is unfulfilling. While he is physically involved in his enjoyment of sex, he is not emotionally involved in having sex with you... which is why he doesn't have an interest in pleasing you. He's not a man who is in love; he's just going through the motions. Again, what is it that caused his behavior? There is something at the root of this... You need him to be comfortable enough to admit it to you--and most importantly, not be offended by whatever he says it is. It doesn't sound like he trusts you to not be offended at what he says. The dirty pictures, chatting with other women, needing positive female attention online--all of that are substitutes for an actual intimate relationship. And while he needs that, he is also keeping you at arms length--Why? Something happened within your relationship, something offended him or your behavior has alienated him... You and him and the counselor need to figure what caused it. But this is not about blame or assigning someone to be at fault... This is about building communication and trust.
3.) He is not emotionally bonded to the 'family unit'. Again, this probably is something rooted in why he keeps you at arms length. If you want him to be more of a father, then you need to figure out why he already has one foot out the exit door.
So, my advice: You need to go into your counseling session with an open mind. Don't go into it ready to fight. Don't go into it looking for validation. Don't dwell on the past. Figure out what your relationship issues are and tackle the big mountains.