No one in my family has had any difficulties wit organic cow's milk at 12 months old, but if it has caused problems for your daughter, switch it up with other things, but DO NOT replace it altogether with soy milk. Soy milk is highly engineered and lacks the essential fats that milk has. Calcium enriched to me isn't as natural as the calcium naturally found in milk, but that's a judgement call. Goats milk is supposedly better than cow's, but very expensive. I have been using it about 1/3 of the time with organic cows milk most of the time and ONCE IN A WHILE soy. Supposedly you build allergies to what you eat ALL the time, (rice in Asia, wheat in America) so go for variety if you fear cow's milk, but lactose intolerance is highly overdiagnosed and depriving a lot of young kids of vital fats and nutrients. Good luck!