I am a mom of 2 boys - 7 and 5 and a 9 year old girl. My daughter was completely done, potty trained, no accidents at 2 1/4 years old, by NO effort of ours. She wanted to wear "big girl beautiful panties" that we had talked about since her 2nd birthday everytime we changed her. The boys on the other hand...they didn't care about Superman or Batman on their bottom, they just wanted to PLAY with Batman. So, my 7 year old was almost 4 when he was potty trained, but again, by NO effort on our part...we didn't time minutes, or keep asking him, or have to give him something, etc, we just waited til he was ready and willing. The 5 year old, was about 3.5, but he had an older brother to be like and keep up with, as well as 2 slightly older cousins, so he decided a bit quicker. But, the best thing for me, was to wait until it was their idea and they wanted to, because it was effortless. I can tell you after having 2 little boys, they do LOVE running around the backyard naked and jumping in and out of a little pool. The get out to go the bathroom in the yard...we are girls, we don't think like boys...keep saying that to yourself....they like the adventure, the competition, how "high" can I go, how "far" can I go, "would you water that bush for me?" And don't worry, it won't develop a "lifelong need to pee outside" or that they will "never care who sees them pee", etc. These are comments from people who've never done it. My 5 year old still likes to pee outside because it's fun -- because he can shoot it way out there....but he'd die if anyone saw him do it now. If you're in the backyard playing or swimming, even if he's not naked, encourage him to stand up and pee like the big boys do. If he spends any time with his dad, remind his dad that kids imitate us (for good and bad) and that the more he "goes with dad", the more he'll want to on his own. It is probably the other kids at daycare that motivate him to want to at daycare...good luck. I hope this helps. C.